Halloween from Home
A video by

Halloween from Home

On Halloween the Seenit team likes to dress up in scary costumes and go out to the pub together just to spend time as a team and catch up. This year we celebrated it very differently, and although it was different we had plenty of activities planned! 

This year we had a virtual party, and it was far from your usual Zoom call! Before the party, every Seenit employee was sent a surprise goody bag to their homes, which we opened together. In the spirit of Halloween everyone dressed up and played games. We even had a Halloween quiz as well as an award ceremony. 

Every week in October to get excited for Halloween we participated in fun challenges, whether it be who carves the best pumpkins, to who makes the best spooky treats, and we all filmed our favourite moments before, during and after the party. Being able to capture our experiences in this way really allowed us to feel like we were celebrating as one team. Check out the video above for our spooky antics!