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Video Job Description to Transform Recruitment Process

Attracting top talent can be a daunting process. Here is how you can leverage video job descriptions to really humanise your company and increase engagement.

Krishan Patel image

Written by Krishan Patel

9 Feb, 2022  –  6 min read

Leveraging video job descriptions for recruitment marketing

The past few years have completely changed how we live and work. Remote working has blurred the lines between the professional and personal, affecting employees across the country. This year we’ve seen almost a quarter of workers planning a change in their job in what some are now calling ‘The Great Resignation’. 

Whether it’s burnout and mental health needs, improved pay or better work culture — companies need to take a closer look at why people are leaving and create a strategy to attract, acquire and retain talent during this turbulent time. Video job descriptions are a great way to convey a convincing story to top talent while enhancing your recruitment marketing efforts using video.

This guide will take a look at why video job descriptions matter and how you can leverage this medium to meet your company’s hiring goals.

What are video job descriptions?

Video job descriptions can explain what the role is about, and outline exactly who the recruiter is looking for. The video can also showcase a brief overview of the company, key leadership personnel who would work with the successful candidate, as well as accurately present the company’s culture. Potential candidates should be able to engage with, relate to and be excited about the role after viewing a video job description.

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Our research shows that if a job description is accompanied by a video, it gets 35% more applicants. This is a number you can’t and shouldn’t ignore. Video job descriptions bring the role you’re recruiting for to life. Even if they stick to the same format as a written job description they are automatically more engaging, as the viewer can see and hear it. 

Video job descriptions can explain what the role is about, and outline exactly who the recruiter is looking for. The video can also showcase a brief overview of the company, key leadership personnel who would work with the successful candidate, as well as accurately present the company’s culture. Potential candidates should be able to engage with, relate to and be excited about the role after viewing a video job description. 

Advantages of using video job descriptions for recruitment

Here are 4 reasons to employ video job descriptions in your recruitment efforts.

1. They bring your company to life

Showcasing friendly, professional faces in your video makes your company more relatable. A video job description gives you the opportunity to flaunt your facilities, achievements and diverse team in an engaging manner that will excite the viewer and allow them to project themselves into the narrative you’re providing. Videos humanise a corporation much more than words ever will. 

2. Search engines will love them

It’s a known fact that video content drastically improves a website’s SEO ranking. This can apply to your recruitment efforts as well when you leverage the power of video job descriptions. According to Hubspot, an increasing number of consumers have a preference for video content over other media, and more brands and publishers are allocating their resources towards video. 

If you label, tag and title your video content accurately, you have a good chance of drowning out all the other written job descriptions from competitors on search engines.

3. They are shareable 

People are ‘on the go’ more than ever. Viewers want bite-sized information that they can view on their mobile devices anytime, anywhere and that can be easily shared on email, WhatsApp and social media. Video job descriptions are a great way to be relevant and socially shareable, giving your job ad more visibility and traction. 

4. You don’t need a big budget

Video content can be created by anyone with a camera on their phone. Video job descriptions are the perfect way to publish job ads in a cost-effective and engaging manner. Most smartphones today are capable of recording and producing high-quality video content, and there are plenty of free or low-cost apps and software you can use to edit, share and post videos quickly.

Best practices to create engaging video job descriptions

1. Keep it short and concise

Video content becomes boring fairly quickly. You have about one minute to tell the whole story, so make sure your video job description does not run longer than that. Have an engaging introduction, get right to the point of exactly who you’re looking for and close strongly. You want your message to be memorable, and a short and sweet video with the right emotions is not likely to be forgotten.

2. Make sure the video is authentic

People are smart and can see right through a video that’s trying too hard. We’re bombarded with sales pitches and advertising 24/7, so your video job description should not come off as a hard sell. Showcase what makes your company unique. Talk about success stories without bragging, and illustrate your company culture creatively. They need to trust you before they send you their application.

3. Video quality has to be perfect

And we’re not talking about investing in expensive high-end technology. Check audio levels, lighting and basic camera angles to make sure your video is clear, viewable and shareable. Distorted voices, dark rooms and distracting background sounds do not make for engaging videos, and applicants are not going to be attracted to it. 

4. Pick the right faces

The CEO as a talking head is pretty corporate. Find ways to showcase more of the team that a successful applicant will be working in. Not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera, so there is the option of using a voice recording that plays over the visuals of your office space. 

Next steps with video job descriptions

So it’s clear that in order to attract the best of the best in your team, your video job description needs to be unique, engaging and relevant. These helpful hints will get you on the right path to finding the perfect candidate for the role. Always remember to provide accurate and detailed information for the applicant, with clear call-to-actions on the next steps they need to take to reach you.

Why not use Seenit? With Seenit for recruitment marketing you can,

  • Create a story and invite your community to take part
  • Store and manage your content from a cloud based platform
  • Shortlist and edit from the same platform
  • Publish your content across all channels

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