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Now the largest half marathon in the world, The Great North Run has steadily attracted an increasing number of competitors over the years. In 20016, for the first time ever, Mo Farah of team GB clenched first place for the third year in a row. Given how international The Great North Run has become, increasing in scale from 12,000 runners in 1981 to 54,000 in 2015, Seenit was brought onboard to capture the global perspectives of all the different nationalities taking part this year.
In order to develop this concept as effectively as possible, Seenit and The North Run reached out to one amateur runner from each country taking part. These individuals were encouraged to share their stories – who they were, what motivated them and what it is about running they love. Simultaneously, through this storytelling, we were able to harness a unique insight into a variety of the different environments runners were training in across the globe. The depth of footage accumulated, both visually and contextually, worked very effectively in helping us to achieve our mission statement. Some of it was edited and broadcast on television by BBC One. Overall we had over 250 videos submitted from 40 different countries, making this one of our most notable international projects to date.