The Ultimate User-Generated Video (UGV) Production Guide
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With budgets tighter and everyone doing more with less, employer brand and recruiter teams can’t afford to pass over the major resource they have right under their noses: employee content creators. Getting your people involved in content creation is your 2025 hack to unlock a more authentic, engaging, and effective content strategy.
The stats don’t lie. When employees share content, it gets 8x more engagement than regular brand posts. Why? Because people trust real people way more than they trust corporate accounts. It’s like choosing between a friend’s restaurant recommendation or a billboard - we all know which one we’re more likely to believe!
Seenit can’t help pointing out… 💅 we’ve known for years that your people are the best storytellers, and we bet our business on it. But when even Forbes are talking about Employee Generated Content, you know it’s really hitting as a mainstream expectation for your content strategy.
Here are the 5 types of people you should be looking for in your business, as your undiscovered content heroes 🦸♀️
Anybody in your team who’s chatty, friendly and outgoing. It almost doesn’t matter what role, any day-in-the-life posts that show someone’s real day behind-the-scenes comes off as authentic more than a brand-polished post.
Shows the human side of your company and helps potential candidates picture themselves working with you - “can I see myself there?”
We love this ‘Day in the Life’ video from Natalia at DNV’s Spain office. Save us a spot for one of those Spanish lunches!
Leaders, consultants, any kind of specialists who have insights around your particularly industry.
It makes your experts accessible, and it can be really great for experienced hires who are looking for top industry projects, or people newer to the workforce who want to know for sure that they’ll develop after they join.
Leaders and coaches from Santander did a vid showing their Agile approach - and you can see how informal this content can be, making it easy for busy people to contribute!
A lot of companies have informal events teams, so if you have one of those - people like that are perfect. Otherwise, you’re looking for the one who rallies everyone around the coffee + cake morning, the one who gets everyone to the pub, the one who always has all the summer party ideas,
Shows off your company culture and makes people want to be part of the fun! FOMO is a great recruiting tool.
New Look show us how to have a giggle in the office with their comedy vid taking corporate lingo literally. Loving their take on ‘pivot’ but that ‘deep dive’ looked a little dangerous!
Probably the most difficult-to-reach, least-likely-to-share people in your business… because they’re busy creating things. But sometimes that’s just because they don’t naturally think of creating content. If you ask them, you might uncover some of the most passionate and engaging stories about your organisation.
Nothing sparks interest better than genuine excitement from the people who know your product best!
Thermo Fisher Scientific snagged one of their engineers to make a video talking about his role and what he does in a typical day, in a peer-to-peer way for other engineers.
Members of your ERGs, someone from your people team, Exec Assistants and Office Managers, anyone with that sense of social responsibility, anyone who looks out for the wellbeing of the teams.
Shows you’re not just about business - you’re about making a difference and being a human-shaped workplace.
How lovely are Pets at Home with their volunteer day vid, decorating a care facility?
Start small, keep it fun, and watch the engagement figures roll in. Remember, your best content creators are probably already on your team - they just might not know it yet! If you want to make it REALLY easy for them to share, consider a demo with Seenit, your very own DIY Employee Generated Content tool.
Want more inspiration or have questions? Get in touch! And if you’re already rocking the EGC game, we’d love to hear your success stories and see examples of what’s been working for you! 🙌
Transform your talent attraction and employee engagement with Seenit, the AI-enhanced employee-generated content platform