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Last week we asked 10 delegates at the In-house Recruitment Technology conference what their key take-aways were. Check out the video above to see how we collaboratively brought these event highlights to life with the Seenit Platform.
Having in depth discussions with other Talent Acquisition specialists and share the same challenges and talk about potential solutions in small groups.
Learning about how other companies automate their tech talent processes.
Hearing other small-medium sized businesses going through a recruitment process review and tech implementation.
Learning about different tools and techniques we can use to engage new recruits into the company culture.
Using video as the first step of the candidate journey.
The importance of people-led video throughout the entire recruitment process.
The importance of trusted and authentic recruitment content that really shows who you are as a company.
Some inspiring presentations with great learnings to take away.
And how it can help support traction and engagement of talents.
Learning how to track data better, to be able to approach a wider, more diverse pool of candidates.