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We all know that building a trusted brand is important, but during a global pandemic, the way we communicate and getting the message we put out right is more crucial than ever.
So what does good employer branding mean in times like these, and what is the role internal communications play? 🤔
We decided to ask industry leading expert in recruitment, communications and employer branding Charu Malhotra! Charu is an industry leading expert in recruitment, communications, employer branding and marketing. If you missed our Coffee Break with her, here are some of the key points she shared with us in the webinar!
1. Employer branding and Internal Communications have always been connected, and there has always been a desire to be aligned, but ever since COVID-19 happened the lines between the two are blurred even more. More than ever, they need to work closely together as one comms unit- a misalignment between the two can quickly backfire especially during such challenging times.
2. This blending of Employer Branding and Internal communications has many positives! Content created internally is much better received, and if employees are involved in the process of making videos they are much more likely to interact with them, and share them across their networks as they feel their voice is being heard and that they matter.
3. What’s more, with Internal Comms you have more of a chance of testing out content and seeing what works, as you can ask your employees for feedback. In Internal Comms, this employee feedback can be used to improve your content much faster, and these videos can be repurposed for external use too. Getting your message tuned internally and repurposing that content for external purposes can often be a great way to create authentic, trusted and validated content.
4. Home-generated, perhaps a bit more grainy videos are becoming more mainstream and more sharable but when it comes to employee-generated content for your internal or external communications, you still need to do the planning, briefing, coaching. However, owning the narrative and binning the script converts to genuine and increased engagement.
In short, by engaging your own employees in your communications, you’re putting your most valuable asset forward to be your ambassadors and content creators. Some of the best content we have seen from brands in a post COVID world has been open and honest employee generated video. It fosters authenticity, and allows you to put brilliant content out.
So if Internal Comms and Employer Branding are disjointed, what are the consequences? Well, if a company’s Employer Brand is sending one message out, but internally the message is different, this is very noticeable and companies will get easily called out on that. It can be incredibly damaging to a company’s reputation, and when it comes to trying to recruit new talent it will be much more difficult.
If you want to learn more about Employer Branding and Internal Comms, you can watch the webinar with Charu Malhotra on demand here!