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Employee recognition: 7 best ways to recognise your employees

Nothing says you recognise your employees' contribution like a big and open shoutout. Here are the 7 best ways to recognise your employees to keep them motivated.

Elisa Bassani image

Written by Elisa Bassani

20 Oct, 2022  –  6 mins read

Employees are the biggest asset of any organisation. They are the ones who work hard to achieve the goals of the company, and in order to keep them engaged and motivated, it is important to recognise and reward them for their achievements and contribution. This will make them feel appreciated and boost their morale and encourage them always to give their best performance.

This is reflected in the fact that 37% of employees feel that they would produce better work more often if they were recognised for their efforts. So, keep reading if you are looking for ways to recognise your employees and boost your bottom line.

What is employee recognition?

Employee recognition is the act of acknowledging the contribution and achievements of employees. It can take many forms, from verbal praise and thanks to more formal awards and employee recognition programs. Employee recognition is essential because it helps to motivate and engage employees. Additionally, it fosters a positive work environment and promotes a sense of loyalty and commitment to the organisation. Employee recognition can be a powerful tool for organisational success when done well.

Why is employee recognition so important?

There are many reasons why employee recognition is so important:

Improves Employee Engagement

When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to the organisation. This leads to higher levels of productivity and performance.

Improves Employee Retention

Recognising employee achievements can help to reduce turnover rates by making employees feel valued and appreciated. This is particularly important in today’s market, where almost half of employees agree that they would leave a company that didn’t praise or thank them enough for their work.

Improves Employee Motivation

Acknowledging successes can help to motivate employees and encourage them always to give their best. This is because recognition makes people feel good about themselves and their work. In fact, it was found that employees who do feel recognised at work are twice as likely to be willing to go above and beyond for the company.

Promotes the culture of recognition

By regularly recognising employees, organisations can create a culture of recognition. This is where employees feel that their achievements are valued and appreciated. This positively impacts employee engagement and motivation and can lead to improved performance.

Strengthens company values

A recognition culture can help reinforce company values. This is because it helps employees feel that they are part of something larger and that their work is contributing to the organisation’s success. When employees feel this way, they are more likely to be engaged and loyal to the company.

Strengthens Employer Brand

This is the company’s image as an employer. By recognising employees, organisations can improve their employer brand and position themselves as a great place to work. This is because current employees take the role of “brand ambassadors” and can endorse the company by talking about their positive experiences. With 80% of talent acquisition managers saying employer branding plays a significant role in recruiting top-tier talent, employee recognition can be a powerful tool for attracting the best and brightest.

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What is the difference between recognition and reward?

Recognition is about acknowledging employees’ achievements, whereas rewards provide tangible benefits in exchange for performance. Recognition is often informal, while rewards are usually more formal and structured. Additionally, recognition is typically given spontaneously in response to an employee’s actions or accomplishments, while rewards are generally given at predetermined intervals (such as monthly, quarterly, or annually).

While both recognition and rewards can effectively motivate employees, recognition is often more impactful because it is less expected and can be given more frequently. This makes it more meaningful to employees and helps to create a culture of appreciation.

7 powerful employee recognition ideas & examples to keep them motivated

There are many different ways to recognise employees. Here are seven employee reward ideas and employee recognition examples that can help to keep your team motivated:

1. Give shout-outs in regular team meetings

This is a quick and easy way to recognise employees for their achievements. Simply take a few minutes at the beginning or end of each team meeting to give shout-outs to those who have done something noteworthy. Or, as an alternative, you can create a dedicated “recognition section” in your team meetings where employees can give shout-outs to their colleagues.

2. Amplify shoutouts on social media channels

Social media is a great way to give employees public recognition. You can use your company’s social media channels to amplify shout-outs from team meetings or create dedicated posts highlighting employee achievements. This is a great way to reach a wider audience and show that you are proud of your team’s accomplishments. Using employee-generated videos is a great way to do this. With Seenit, you can easily collect videos from your employees and turn them into high-quality, shareable content. This is a great way to show off your team’s achievements and create some powerful social media content at the same time.

3. Recognise top achievers at company-wide events

Hosting company-wide events is a great way to recognise and celebrate the achievements of your top performers. This could be an annual awards ceremony, holiday party, or any other type of event that brings employees together. These events are a great opportunity to give out awards, certificates, or other forms of recognition to those who have excelled over the past year - or more regularly, if you prefer.

4. Give meaningful non-cash rewards

In addition to giving out cash bonuses, you can also give employees non-cash rewards that are more meaningful. This could be anything from gift cards and vouchers to experience days or even extra holidays. Non-cash rewards are a great way to show your appreciation without breaking the bank. Plus, they can be tailored to the individual, which makes them even more meaningful. For example, if an employee is particularly passionate about a certain hobby, you could give them a voucher for a related activity or experience. Or, if an employee has been working extra hard, you could give them an extra day off to enjoy however they please.

5. Don’t shy away from giving monetary rewards where possible

While non-cash rewards can be great, sometimes cash is the best way to show your appreciation. If an employee has gone above and beyond or achieved something truly exceptional, a monetary reward is a great way to show them how much you value their contribution. You could give out bonuses, a raise, or even company shares if you really want to show your appreciation.

6. Provide further progression opportunities

Another great way to recognise employees is to provide them with further progression opportunities. If someone constantly goes above and beyond in their role, they may be ready for a promotion. Alternatively, you could offer them the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities or lead a project. Or, you could provide them with access to training and development opportunities, such as attending conferences or taking on a professional qualification. This is a great way to show that you are invested in their development and want them to succeed within the company.

7. Promote peer-to-peer recognition

In addition to recognising employees, you can also encourage employees to recognise each other. This could be done through a formal system, such as an employee of the month scheme, or simply by encouraging employees to give each other shout-outs and praise using a video platform like Seenit. This is a great way to create a culture of recognition and appreciation within the company.

These are just a few of the many employee recognition ideas you can use for your employees. The most important thing is to find what works best for your company and your team. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it’s important to experiment and find what works best for you. With a little bit of effort, you can create a culture of recognition and appreciation that will motivate your employees and help you retain your best talent.


Employee recognition is important to show your team that you appreciate their hard work. Not only does it make them feel valued, but it can also motivate them to continue performing at a high level. That’s why it’s so important for organisations to have a formal employee reward and recognition program in place. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to be recognised for their achievements, no matter what their role within the company is.

To keep motivation, morale and performance levels high, ensure you regularly recognise your employees. Why not try Seenit to get started? Our employee-led video platform makes it easy to collect and share videos from your team and turn them into high-quality content. With our dedicated platform, you can quickly and easily create content that will make everyone feel appreciated.

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